Monday, August 3, 2015

Using Techforce Pro to make Awesome As-Builts

Techforce Pro has been known as a tool to make professional wiring diagrams.  Now use Techforce Pro to put together your As-Builts.  This post will show you how to upload a floor plan and place your wiring diagrams, or individual parts on the floor plan.  Then wire them together, add labels and notes.

First, go to your Customers page and click on "New Customer":

Enter the name of the customer and press Save.  This will take you to the customers overview page.

Click "Add Plan" and enter the name of the floor plan.

After saving the floor plan title, click on the newly added floor plan to enter the as-built builder:

Click the "Upload Floorplan button to select a PDF, or image file.

If you upload a pdf, the image must be on the first page of the pdf.
When your floor plan loads, you can click the menu button in the lower right to add notes, parts and diagrams

Drag the Notes, Systems, or Parts to the proper location on the floor plan, then start wiring them together

You connect them together.  To connect two systems or parts, start by clicking on the item where the wire will start.  In this case, I'll click on the mechanical closet.

This brings up a popup with options for this system.  You can remove the system from the floor plan by clicking the button in the menu bar at the bottom.  You can add a label to the system for a unique identifier for the system on the floor plan in the lower left.   But the reason we are viewing this now is to add a wire as the wording along the top states "Choose a direction to start a wire run".  Because the system I am connecting to is to the right of this system, I'll click on the right arrow.  After clicking the arrow, you are returned to the floor plan.

Next click on the system that the wire run goes to.

Notice that the working across the top says "Choose a direction to end a wire run".  In this case, I'll click the bottom arrow.

The wire is now created and you can manipulate it with the buttons in the menu bar at the bottom.  You can change the color and manipulate it's position, or remove the wire run entirely.

Next, I'll add a note by clicking the Add Note button in the menu

Drag the note where you want, click on it to edit the text.  Click anywhere to get out of edit mode.

Clicking save will save the as-built and take you to an overview page

On this page you can save the as-built off as a full size image file, edit the plans title and give it a description, or go back and edit the as-built.  Below the as-built image are two lists, one of the diagrams and one of the parts in the as-built.  Clicking on one will highlight it on the as-built so you can get a quick view of where they are installed.

Clicking the back button takes you back to the customers page where you can see the parts list populate with the parts from the newly added systems and parts.  Clicking "Export Customer PDF" will save the whole customer file off as a pdf with the as-builts, wiring diagrams, and full part list.

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